Apr 17, 2006

i will stand and fight

was watching LOTR: Two Towers tonight..and from all the dialogue and scenes these two lines stuck out the most to me...

"How can the world go back to the way it was after so much bad has happen? But in the end it is only a passing thing ..this shadow. Even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shine, it will shine out the clearer."

haha mayb im just optimistic..or the fact that i KNOW in my mind and heart that God holds everything in those HUGE hands of His...but no matter what the struggle might be...no matter how stress i can be...no matter how difficult the task...no matter how down i might be...i know it is just a passing phase...and the storm will past and the sun will shine once again...and i will get up and dust myself off and just keep on going forward...

"There is some good in this world...and it is worth fighting for"

there is good in this world..and i will stand and fight for it..

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